Children and young adults have most to lose from mass immigration.
Throughout their schooling and higher education, they have been indoctrinated to believe that immigration and diversity are positive despite all the evidence to the contrary.
- You have been lied to!
- Immigration into Britain throughout our history was at a very low level, and nothing like the rate of today.
- We are not, and never have been, a nation of immigrants.
- In 1931, only 3% of the British population had been born overseas. Today it is 15%. You are told that this doesn’t matter, but it does.
- Immigration-driven population growth is having a negative impact on every aspect of life in the UK today.
- It is causing social and economic problems and putting enormous pressure on public services and the environment.
- You are told that diversity makes us strong. The opposite is true.
- Throughout history, societies that are religiously and culturally diverse have been more prone to instability, civil conflict and social collapse.
- The tragic consequences of mass immigration will be felt for decades to come.
- If the UK is to remain a prosperous and functional society, mass immigration must end now.
- Your future is at stake.
- The political class have betrayed the British people. They are driving mass immigration against our wishes.
- We never asked for immigrants and we do not want diversity.
- The Conservative and Labour parties (as well as many smaller parties such as the Liberal Democrats and Greens) have almost identical views on mass immigration and it will continue unabated while they dominate power.
- In almost every aspect of policy, the two major parties and the Lib Dems are identical – they are globalist internationalists who despise the nation state and support the interests of big business over the people.
- In recent decades, most voters have been given a terrible choice between the two big parties and, finding neither party to their liking, have practised negative voting by choosing the one they dislike the least. That is not a sign of a healthy democracy.
- Whichever you dislike the most should not matter anymore. They are indistinguishable in policy and are equally contemptuous of the public interest when in power.
- Labour no longer care about the working people and the Conservatives have no interest in conserving anything. These parties are not fit for purpose. Both parties must be forced to change or be destroyed.
- This can only be achieved by having the courage not to vote for either of them. They do not deserve your vote. Give your vote to a small party that genuinely cares about protecting the interests of the UK and its people and is committed to ending mass immigration.
- You have nothing to lose by voting for a small party. A vote for either big party is a vote for the destruction of our country to continue.
- Illegal immigration into the UK is enormous.
- The government is offering ridiculous and ineffectual solutions to deal with the problem.
- As an island nation we could stop illegal immigration almost immediately, but there is no political will to do so.
- The UK is still beholden to the European Court of Human Rights and the outdated UN Refugee Convention which restrict our ability to deal with the problem.
- Illegal immigration is a crime, but the government does not treat it as a crime.
- Technically, people arriving illegally can be fined and/or imprisoned, but this never happens.
- Instead, illegal arrivals are put up in asylum centres and nice hotels at huge cost to the British taxpayer – currently about £6 billion/year.
- Most applications for asylum, even when people have arrived illegally, are accepted. This is not because most of them deserve asylum but because the asylum system is unable to cope with the backlog and granting asylum is easier than refusing it.
- Even when asylum is refused, the government is failing to return most of these people to their countries of origin.
- Illegal immigration is the clearest indication that the political class have no interest in dealing with mass immigration.
- However, while illegal immigration does not reflect well on the government, it is a useful distraction for them.
- After all, the rate of legal immigration is more than ten times greater and most of it is undesirable and unnecessary.
- While the government pretends to get tough on illegals, they open the doors ever wider for everyone else.
- They tell the British people that we only want controls and don’t care about the numbers.
- This isn’t true. We want controls and we want reduced numbers. At present, we are getting neither.
- Immigration-driven population growth is causing overcrowding. The UK is already one of the most densely populated countries in Europe, with 718 inhabitants per square mile
- Our roads are the most gridlocked in Europe
- The UK population spends hundreds of millions of hours a year sitting in traffic jams pumping unnecessary pollutants into the atmosphere

- Immigrants taking low-skilled jobs push down wages, damaging the livelihoods of the most vulnerable workers in society
- Immigration provides cheap labour so that businesses don’t have to invest in improving efficiency and productivity. This damages the economy.
- Growth in GDP per capita (the best measure of prosperity) has fallen significantly since immigration levels started to rocket in the late 1990s.
- Immigration of workers does not help us meet the pension demands of our ageing population. Immigrants also grow old and will expect pensions. This is just an enormous Ponzi scheme, and the only winners are big business.
- Immigrants add considerably to housing demand, pushing up prices
- Building housing involves concreting over our countryside and increasing environmental degradation

- Mass immigration is adding pressure to our already overstretched GP services and hospitals
- The Department of Health and Social Care insists on bringing doctors and nurses from overseas instead of providing medical training opportunities for British people
- Many of these immigrant workers come from poor countries that are already desperately short of doctors and nurses
- Immigration-driven population growth increases demand for water, electricity and other utilities, necessitating more infrastructure and driving up prices for consumers
- Demand for water is expected to outstrip supply as early as 2050
- Sewers are unable to cope with the demand being placed on them, meaning sewage is released directly into rivers and the sea with a deleterious impact on the natural environment and the ability of the public to enjoy these places

- Modern Britain did not appear from nothing. What we have today is due only to centuries of hard work and self-sacrifice by our ancestors.
- The UK has contributed a huge amount to the world, and we should be proud of this fact and celebrate our achievements. But, in an attempt to force multiculturalism and diversity upon us, the culture and history of the indigenous people of these islands is being subordinated to immigrant cultures and their history.
- In order to accommodate immigrants, the political class and our national institutions are ignoring or actively degrading the legacy of those who have come before us. In undermining our national story and debasing ourselves in this way, society inevitably becomes weaker and more divided. This is already having dire consequences for our national cohesion, stability and long-term security.